RF MEMS Integrated Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot PDF | A new kind of double- and single-arm cantilever type DC-contact RF MEMS actuators has been monolithically integrated with an antenna architecture to develop a frequency reconfigurable antenna. RF MEMS Integrated Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot CETINER et al.: RF MEMS INTEGRATED FREQUENCY RECONFIGURABLE ANNULAR SLOT ANTENNA 631 REFERENCES [1] B. A. Cetiner et al., “Monolithic integration of RF MEMS switches with a diversity antenna on PCB substrate,” IEEE Trans. Microw. RF MEMS Integrated Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot 626 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 3, MARCH 2010 RF MEMS Integrated Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot Antenna Bedri A. Cetiner, Member, IEEE, Gemma Roqueta Crusats, Student Member, IEEE, Lluís Jofre, Senior Member, IEEE, and Necmi Bıyıklı, Member, IEEE Abstract—A new kind of double- and single-arm cantilever type DC-contact RF MEMS …
silicon, linearity, microwave switch, reconfigurable antenna. I. INTRODUCTION .... [4] G. Crusats, L. Jofre, and N. Biyikli, “RF MEMS Integrated Frequency. Reconfigurable Annular Slot Antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. Vol. 58, No.
Pattern and Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot Antenna This antenna is the first step toward more mature compact reconfigurable slot antennas both in frequency and Fig. 19. Measured radiation patterns in x-y plane for the null reconfigurable radiation pattern using pin diodes or RF MEMS switches. design at f = 5:65 GHz. Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Antenna redistribute the antenna currents. Radio frequency micro-electromechanical systems (RF-MEMS) have been proposed for integration into reconfigurable antennas since 1998 [5]. Many designs have resorted to RF MEMS to reconfigure their performance. RF MEMS based reconfigurable antennas rely on the mechanical movement of these switches to achieve RF MEMS antennas for wireless applications - ScienceDirect The combination of RF MEMS technology with antenna structures follows different approaches which vary depending on the antenna size and frequency as illustrated in Fig. 6.1.. The first technological approach consists of manufacturing the antenna structure in a first step, then adding the RF MEMS devices in subsequent steps using wire-bonding and conductive epoxy. RF MEMS Integrated Frequency Reconfigurable Annular Slot Antenna
Based on the status of the integrated RF-MEMS, the an- While reconfigurable antennas represent a potential tenna can change its radiation beam direction [3]. candidate for future RF front ends for wireless and space applications, there is definitely a cost for adding tunability B. Reconfigurable Antennas Based on PIN Diodes to the antenna ...
Multifunctional reconfigurable MEMS integrated antennas for adaptive MIMO systems. Bedri Artug Cetiner, Hamid JafarkhaniEstablishment of reconfigurable antennas requires a novel radio frequency microelectromechnical systems (RF MEMS) technology, which has... reconfigurable rf mems devices and antennas 4. Reconfigurable antennas RF MEMS components have tunable characteristics; thus the integration of these components with radiators may yield several advantages such as reconfigurability in polarization, frequency, and radiation pattern. One of the reconfigurable antenna structure...
Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Antenna
Hardwired Design of Ultra-Wideband Reconfigurable MEMS …
Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna written by Rakshitha.V, Nikky Kumari, Bhavana. B published on 2018/04/24 with reference data and citations.B, Ravikant Rai, 2016, Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT)...
PIER Online - A Novel Multi-State Integrated RF MEMS A NOVEL MULTI-STATE INTEGRATED RF MEMS SWITCH FOR RECONFIGURABLE ANTENNAS APPLICATIONS By A. Pourziad, S. Nikmehr, and H. Veladi. Full Article PDF (1,599 KB) Abstract: A novel multi-state RF MEMS switch for microstrip antenna applications is presented.
Chapter 64268 provides bibliographic information on scholary research in the basic and applied life, earth and health sciences. array aperture probes: Topics by WorldWideScience.org Other integral parts of the antenna include a network of radio-frequency (RF) feed lines (more specifically, a corporate feed network) and of bias and control lines, all in the form of flexible copper strip conductors on flexible polymeric … Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications - ISSN… Academic Journals Database is a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and is particularly strong in medical research, humanities and social sciences.